Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Getting gas & walking the neighborhood

Today we had a bit of shopping to do, finally shopped at the KTA store off Pulani Drive - it's the only place I'll grocery shop from now on...totally local and the fish is fresh.  They also get local beef and pork, veggies and fruits.....picked up 3 small types of fish for the grill.
We needed to fill up the rental and stopped at the Tesoro on the way home because it had "El-tesoro" hanging above the pumps....yep, and the gas is 4.91 for regular!! WooHoo!!

On our way home we pass this guy, and didn't know the entire story...

His name is "Spider Pig", and all you Simpson fans out there should appreciate the name:)  This guy is the neighborhood icon and quite friendly in a snorting sort of way.

Leftovers are always welcome:)

My yard has never been so colorful...,
or interesting......

                                            or almost blooming unique!

Some of the other neighbors contribute to neighbors refrigerators.  Just leave your money in the box beside the driveway....

There are fruit trees everywhere on this street(mango's)

And beautiful belladonna trees in many different colors
This looked like a form of lobelia.... 

  ......and this plant was just thick with blue star flowers, I really need to invest in a flower book don't I?
Not sure what this guy will bring, but it looks like it is full of seeds-how pretty!  Great neighborhood but the walk in 83 degrees down a 9% grade and back up again was a challenge!  A very cool shower felt so wonderful after the walk.