Saturday, April 28, 2012

A couple more views of the Island

Yep, it's a waterfall.....

Actually, quite a beautiful waterfall, we didn't want to pay the fees to walk down and see it up close.

We stopped at a pretty scenic view of Hilo and the bay out front, this side of the Island is really green and like a tropical jungle.  Would've like to spend more time here.......

This tree was in the scenic pull out parking lot, amazing1
The Saddle Road goes up 6,700 feet and this mountain is even higher at an elevation of 13,796.  It's the biggest mountain in the world.  Mauna Kea.

We got a little closer and I tried to capture the top with the Onizuka Center of International Astronomy, but liked the photo

here is the observatory.  The drive is a challenge and some rental car companies won't let you take your car up there.  Also, because of the elevation, you have to be very healthy to go up!!

The rest of the road is sparse, but there are many interesting ferns, lichens, etc. growing on the lava rock.

Some more of the plant life at 6,700 feet!

This road has about 15 miles left to repair, it's a good highway otherwise, but not someplace you want to be after dark.  There is a huge military training area on the left-very dangerous and you are not allowed to stop unless it's an emergency.  The sky was nice, but it was chilly and windy up here....perhaps in the 60's:)